Should Reformed Christians Be Supporting Putin?

Recently I shared a request from ARP NEWS for prayer and donations to help the refugees who are fleeing the war in Ukraine. Earlier I had shared a prayer request asking for prayer for the people of Ukraine and had added my own request for people to please also pray for the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine and their teachers, families, and students.

Apparently, these two requests were too much for one of my Reformed Christian Facebook friends who sent me a message demanding to know why the ARP and I were praying for and supporting the Ukrainians who are, according to him, abortion loving, “Globohomos” instead of the Russians whom he characterized as a Christian nation under a Christian leader who had outlawed abortion and homosexuality.

I wrote the following answer to him but was unable to send it as he blocked me soon after sending his message. Since I’m finding that there are many other Reformed Christians on Facebook who have similar views, I’ve decided to publish my reply publicly.

“Thank you for writing to me, I have tried to answer the concerns about Russia and Ukraine that you raised in your message, I have also tried to include links backing up everything I’ve stated here.

To call Russia “a Christian nation” is extremely problematic, to say the least. It is true that the Putin regime has extremely close ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Russian Orthodox Church is almost the established church of Russia but like many established churches, the ROC uses its strong ties to the state to try to eliminate other religious groups within their country. In recent years the Russian government has imposed laws that make it illegal to evangelize outside of an officially recognized church and attempts to get outsiders to join your church is considered illegal missionary activity. As a result, attempting to plant a new Reformed church in Russia is very difficult as the process of persuading non-members to join it is technically illegal. The Russian laws restricting non-ROC religious activity got much worse in 2021 when Putin signed an amendment to Russia’s religion law aimed at “protecting the spiritual sovereignty of Russia.” The law requires that if a missionary or pastor received their religious training outside of Russia, say at a Reformed seminary in America or Europe, they have to go through a process of mandatory state re-education, and then be certified by local authorities. Other laws make it illegal for religious organizations to use their own religious identifiers in their names unless they are permitted to do so by the government. Churches and church members frequently find themselves under surveillance by the state and Protestant churches and seminaries have been closed by the government and their congregations banned from using them. Because of the increasingly hostile attitude of the Russian government to any non-ROC religious activity in Russia Russia was added to the Open Doors World Watch list of the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2019 and the US Commission on International Religious Freedom’s tier 1 list of religious freedom violators in 2017 (please note this was when USCIRF was still working under the Trump administration).

True Freedom of Religion exists in a country when:

1) The government does not give preference to any one religion or anti-religious group above the others.

2)  Clergy may perform all of their religious duties without violence or danger.

3) The laws of that country do not interfere with or hinder the free exercise of the religion of ordinary people and all citizens are free to conduct their lives according to their own profession of faith.

4) The civil magistrate takes care to actively protect the free exercise of religion and as a result, religious assemblies may occur without molestation, violence, or disturbance.

All four of the principles above are actively violated in Russia, and therefore we can safely say that Freedom of Religion does not exist in Russia.

It is also important to note that the Russian Orthodox Church which is virtually the Russian State church formally denies all of the Solas of the Reformation including Justification by Faith Alone, and just about every tenet of the Reformed faith including all five points of Calvinism. The Russian Orthodox Church also has seven sacraments, not the two given by Christ in the Bible. As Reformed Christians, we can therefore affirm that the Russian Orthodox church does not have the marks of a true church and that we do not believe that people can be saved by believing what they teach.

By contrast, there is far greater religious freedom in Ukraine and setting up churches and seminaries and evangelizing is much, much easier than it is in Russia and while the Ukrainian Orthodox church is also not happy about new non-Orthodox churches being planted they do not have the same hand-in-glove relationship with the Ukrainian state that the ROC has with the Russian state. For this reason, many Reformed organizations have established their church plants and seminaries in Ukraine where it was also possible to train Russian pastors even though they would be subjected to restrictions when they returned to Russia. Many other NAPARC churches have strong ties to Ukraine and were a vital part of helping to establish the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine in 2008.

A measure of how much more difficult it is to plant and maintain a church in Russia, as opposed to Ukraine can be seen in what happened to existing evangelical churches in Crimea after Russia seized that area from Ukraine in 2014. Pentecostal, Baptist, and other Protestant churches that had not previously been subjected to persecution from the state suddenly found themselves the targets of government raids, fines, and intimidation. Conditions in the Donbas pro-Russian separatist region which is under defacto Russian control were even worse. In that region, the Baptist World Alliance reports that 40 of their Donbas churches were accused of being “terrorists” and shut down by the regional government.

The implications of all this for who we support should be obvious, if we do choose to support Putin on the grounds of his close relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church, we are chosing to support a government that will promote the interests of a form of Christianity we do not believe preaches the gospel and can’t save people and make it harder for us to plant Protestant and Reformed churches in that area of the world. This is more than a little like being a Protestant in 1588 and deciding to back the Spanish Armada because we liked the conservative King Philip II of Spain more than the more libertine Queen Elizabeth I.

As Christians, our hearts should also be wrung by the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, which is rapidly becoming the worst in Europe since World War Two and is occurring because of Russian military activity. Therefore our efforts at the moment should be directed to where the need is greatest among the destitute refugees who are streaming into the countries that border western Ukraine. Not only do our missionaries in those areas have an opportunity to relieve the physical needs of those displaced persons, they also have an opportunity to reach people with the Gospel who would previously have never gone to a missionary to enquire about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Regarding abortion, homosexuality, and globalism; while it is true that the Russian regime says they are more opposed to abortion than the Ukrainian government, elective abortion is still legal in Russia up to the 12th week and Russia had the highest number of abortions per woman of child-bearing age in the world according to UN data as of 2010. Additionally, several European nations also have much more restrictive abortion laws than Russia. By contrast, abortion is actually banned in Poland, a NATO nation with strong ties to the West.

Similarly, while Russia has banned spreading “homosexual propaganda,” homosexuality and transgenderism are still legal in Russia and while much has been made of the fact that Russia bans same-sex marriage, so does Ukraine and every other country in Eastern Europe. Also, there is no spiritual power in the form of Christianity Putin endorses. It lacks what Chalmers called “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection” As a result, there is no true Christianity morality growing in Putin’s Russia. This is evident in the fact that marriage and birth rates in Russia are among the lowest in Europe and trending lower, while divorce rates continue to go up. Additionally, while most Russians call themselves Christians, only around 7% of Russians ever attend church. According to Pew Research Ukrainians are more than twice as likely to attend church weekly than Russians (16% vs. 7%).

All of this goes to show that Russia is hardly the last bastion of Christian morality in Europe, with Oligarchs getting rich via shady deals, and a huge amount of organized crime, arms trafficking, human trafficking, and prostitution being winked at by the state. I hope you will forgive me if I also point out that Pornhub’s 2014 analysis of user data indicated that, “Anal sex porn” is more popular in Russia than in any other country.’

Putin himself is no moral paragon either. He’s an ex-KGB Autocrat who had children out of wedlock with his Olympic gymnast mistress whom he eventually moved in with after divorcing his long-suffering wife. His own personal corruption is legendary; not only has he made millions and possibly billions via graft and corruption, but he’s also murdered his political opponents and those investigating him, shut down newspapers, and other media sources, and allowed all sorts of criminal activities as long as he and his friends benefitted from them. In a moral sense, he’s no different from countless other dictators in history including the Chinese and Iranians who although they are not even nominally Christian are also nationalists who dislike homosexuality.

Finally, to portray Russia as the last of the non-Globalist nationalist nations is also misleading, to say the least. Plenty of other nations have a high degree of National pride, including nations like China, India, and Poland, and no other nation on earth is displaying more patriotism at the moment than Ukraine. As for being against globalism, Russia desires to be part of the global economy as much as anyone else but has been isolated from it because of its actions and has formed its own alliances with the other nations that have been shunned because of their human rights record such as Iran, China, and Syria. Their anti-Western globalism certainly isn’t something they chose for themselves and Vladimir Putin is reported to have tried to join NATO in 2000 and said to interviewer David Frost, “Russia is part of the European culture. And I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilized world.”

Now, am I thrilled that, like most Europeans, Zelensky is something of a social liberal? Not at all, but I know that I could survive, preach, politically dissent, and evangelize in a nation ruled by Zelensky, I can’t say the same for my chances in a nation ruled by Putin.”


About Andrew Webb

I was converted out of paganism and the occult in 1993 and while I was initially Charismatic/Arminian in my theology, I became Reformed and Presbyterian through bible study and the influence of ministries like RC Sproul's. After teaching in local bible studies, and taking seminary courses part time, I began to feel called to the ministry in 1997. I was Ordained as an RE at Christ Covenant PCA in Hatboro, PA in 2000 and as a TE by Central Carolina Presbytery in 2001 when I was called to be the Organizing Pastor/Church Planter for Providence PCA Mission, Cross Creek PCA's church plant in Fayetteville, NC (home to Ft. Bragg and Pope Airforce Base). In 2005 when the Providence PCA Particularized I was blessed to be called by the congregation to be their Pastor
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15 Responses to Should Reformed Christians Be Supporting Putin?

  1. Robin says:

    Reblogged this on Robin's Rants and Raves and commented:
    Important for people who think Russia is Christian.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Excellent article, thank you for posting. Where are people who think Russia is Christian getting their news?

  3. Pingback: Should Reformed Christians Be Supporting Putin? - The Aquila Report

  4. James Horgan says:

    Bang on. Thank you. And let’s not forget the four baptists dragged out of a service in the Donbass by the Russian proxies and then shot. If you want to see what Russian ruled Ukraine will look like read this review.

  5. Pingback: I Recommend - Wes Bredenhof

  6. Paulette Osmond says:

    I would say that this article is mostly true and helpful. However, one thing it fails to deal with is western interference in the Ukraine which is one of the reasons for the current war. Also, this article does not deal with the reality that Russian-speaking people in the eastern Ukraine have been bombed by their own government since 2014 for the crime of wanting some autonomy and because they are oriented to Moscow.

    • James Horgan says:

      This is misinformed. In 2019 civilian deaths on both sides were extremely low. A couple of dozen most.

      And most were caused by unexploded shells and children playing with munitions.

  7. Ruth says:

    Thank you. I was (up until February 24) a missionary in Ukraine. I hope and pray I can return. This situation reveals the complexity of the world: On the one hand, I have been less than thrilled about Ukraine’s embrace of Europe and European values (A year or two ago, our pastor said schools were being forced to used textbooks on gender ideology. Apparently, using them was the necessary price for getting some kind of help from the West), on the other, the persistent lying, oppression, and other evils of Putin’s regime make Europe seem rather tame in comparison. You are right that Ukraine under its current leadership enjoys religious freedom that it would not under Russian rule.

  8. Ruth says:

    I think I should add, in confirmation of your last remark, that, under current leadership, Evangelical churches can meet, provide outreach, and have Sunday School. Missionaries could (until the invasion, when we all left) conduct Evangelistic English classes, for example. I am not aware of there having been any restrictions on these activities except when Covid was spiking. Some groups have put on Evangelistic productions at Christmas time on one of the most prominent streets in the city! Dramatic productions at Easter time have occurred as well. I pray this openness does not end.

  9. Martin Odi says:

    This argument makes more sense to me.

  10. Merle Messer says:

    I have taught in a seminary in Eastern Ukraine for over twenty years. If I can add to the discussion I would love to. Merle Messer

  11. Gregory says:

    Andrew, I don’t think I disagree with anything you said here, but I also don’t think you are considering the whole picture. Is it not possible that the persecution of Evangelical churches by Putin is mostly because they are seen as an infiltration from NATO? The same NATO that has been haranguing them for 20+ years, and trying to put weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Ukraine,,, Russia’s front doorstep? Put yourself in Russia’s shoes: would you see the invasion of Ukraine as an “illegal” invasion? I don’t think so.
    From the Russian perspective, doesn’t what America did to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, Yamen, etc. look like Illegal invasions? You don’t see it this way, right? Exactly; from the Russian perspective, Evangelical Reformed churches tend to have the mindset that what America does is good, and anyone who opposes them is bad.
    America has 700 military bases around the world, Russia has, what, one, in Syria, which NATO wants them to close (that is what Ukraine is about – closing off Russia’s access to the Mediterranean so they can’t support Syria against ISIS)?
    With Biden in the White House now, honestly, the world is being run by so much duplicity and prevarication, I think it best to not be cheerleaders of the Media’s condemnatory chicanery of this leader or that leader. Christ is our only hope.

    • James Horgan says:

      No it is because they are seen as aligned to Ukraine. All evangelical churches and areas taken by Russia in 2014 are banned. Please think like a Christian and care for your brothers and sisters. The idea that evangelical churches are a NATO infiltration is risible.

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