Old School Presbyterian Church/Mission Locator

The blog has received a few requests (and I’ve received even more via email) to include links to Old School Presbyterian congregations and mission works throughout the world. We’ve decided to go ahead and start doing that, first with a list of links on the menu column and then later with a page with more information. Please note that this will be a page for self-consciously Old School Presbyterian works and not simply conservative Presbyterian churches.

If you would like to have your church or mission included in the locator, please read the statement of Old School principles* and if you can affirm them, please send the following information:

Your Church or Mission Name
Meeting Times
Contact Infomation

to oldschoolchurches@hotmail.com


1) Regarding Worship: We are committed to the idea that the Bible, which is the Word of God, is entirely sufficient for everything in our faith, life, and practice and we do not need to add anything of our own, nor should we. Therefore we agree that our worship is to be ordered according to God’s instructions, and not according to our imaginations or traditions or in any way God has not prescribed for us. This formulation is sometimes referred to as the Regulative Principle of Worship, which refers to the idea that our worship is entirely regulated and ruled by the teaching of scripture. Our worship is neither “contemporary” nor “traditional” but simple and biblical.

a) Music: We also believe that music is at most a circumstance designed to assist the element of congregational singing, and not an element of worship. Therefore we do not have bands, soloists, or choirs in our worship.
b) The Sabbath: We believe that Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is the Christian Sabbath and that it is to be kept holy. We believe that only works of Piety, Necessity, and Mercy should be performed on it.
c) Church Calendar: We do not observe Holy Days other than the Sabbath or follow a “church calendar”

2) Regarding Church Polity: We are committed to the idea that Presbyterianism is the form of church polity the bible teaches. We are part of a denomination that has graded church courts (Session, Presbytery, General Assembly, Classis, Synod, etc.)
a) Officers of the Church: We believe that only men are called to the offices of Elder and Deacon and we also believe that the bible forbids women to preach, teach, or lead in corporate worship.

3) Regarding Theology: We are wholeheartedly committed to the Calvinism of the Westminster Standards, and believe this is the system of doctrine that the Bible teaches. We fully subscribe to all the doctrines contained in the standards and any exceptions we have are minimal and not principial.
a) Justification: We are committed to the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone and reject all forms of Shepherdism, the Federal Vision, and Covenant Nomism.
b) Sacraments: We do not believe that the Sacraments are Regenerating ordinances and we do not believe Paedocommunion is biblical.

4) Regarding The Spirituality of the Church: We believe that the Church is not to embroil itself in party politics, nationalism, or anything that Christ has not commissioned his church to do. We agree with the following statement by R.B. Kuiper – “Just because the preaching of the Word is so great a task the church must devote itself to it alone. For the Church to undertake other activities, not indissolubly bound up with this one, is a colossal blunder, because it inevitably results in neglect of its proper ask. Let not the church degenerate into a social club. Let not the church go into the entertainment business. Let not the church take sides on such aspects of economics, politics, or natural science as are not dealt with in the Word of God. And let the church be content to teach special, not general revelation. Let the church be the church.”

5) Regarding Preaching: We believe in expository preaching that is warm and aimed not merely at the intellect, but at men’s hearts and convictions. We believe that the gospel is not preached unless faith in Christ is earnestly solicited. We are interested in and pray for genuine biblical revival within God’s churches.


* Before people get riled up – these principles are simply a brief summary of doctrines Old School Presbyterians have historically held to, most of them can be found spelled out in Miller’s Presbyterianism or Hodge’s list of matters over which there is no controversy amongst Presbyterians in his essay on what adopting the Westminster standards means. Please do not think for a moment think that we are saying you must hold to all of these principles in order to be saved or to be considered to be a true church. Please also remember this is a voluntary association, we aren’t requiring anyone to affirm anything. Additionally, the internet is literally swarming with all manner of non-Old School church planting and building resources for Presbyterians which you can refer to for all your non-Old School needs.

About Andrew Webb

I was converted out of paganism and the occult in 1993 and while I was initially Charismatic/Arminian in my theology, I became Reformed and Presbyterian through bible study and the influence of ministries like RC Sproul's. After teaching in local bible studies, and taking seminary courses part time, I began to feel called to the ministry in 1997. I was Ordained as an RE at Christ Covenant PCA in Hatboro, PA in 2000 and as a TE by Central Carolina Presbytery in 2001 when I was called to be the Organizing Pastor/Church Planter for Providence PCA Mission, Cross Creek PCA's church plant in Fayetteville, NC (home to Ft. Bragg and Pope Airforce Base). In 2005 when the Providence PCA Particularized I was blessed to be called by the congregation to be their Pastor
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4 Responses to Old School Presbyterian Church/Mission Locator

  1. Jim Vellenga says:

    I would very much want to say that the congregation I currently serve was Old School, but there is still a long way to go to bring them to that. Not to mention we would not fit your list because we hold to the three standards of unity (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and Canons of Dort) rather than the Westminster. However, I am praying that over time we may become at least more Old School Presbyterian in a Continental Reformed background congregation.

    By the way, I have learned a great deal from this Blog, keep up the good work to the glory of God.

  2. I think I’d be an old school Presbyterian if I wasn’t an old school baptist!

  3. Andrew Webb says:

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for your comments.

    While this is specifically an Old School Presbyterian locator, I should stress that the commonalities between Dutch Reformed, Presbyterian, and Baptists of the Puritan or “Root and Branch Reformation” type far, far, outweigh the differences. The differences between say A’Brakel and Watson are so small as to be almost insignificant. That’s why on the Blog I’m comfortable quoting Baptists like Broadus and Spurgeon or Dutch Reformed like Bavinck. Many of our readers are URCNA, Reformed Baptist and so on, and my favorite conference of the year (the Banner of Truth Minister’s conference) has that central unifying theme of Puritan experimental Calvinism that brings all of these movements together. I dare say as an Old School Presbyterian I have FAR more in common with say a conservative from the URCNA than an Anglo-Catholic or Emerging “Presbyterian” from my own denomination.

  4. Pingback: Church Planting Help From Some Encouraging Sites « Building Old School Churches

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